'Green energy' business accused of dumping hazardous waste

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —They tout themselves as a green company and push for energy conservation, but KCRA 3 cameras found hazardous materials stored out in the open, which insiders say is a violation of county and state laws./
From the front, American Power, Inc. looks like many of the buildings one can see along Sacramento’s Folsom Boulevard.
Across the street is Sacramento State University’s campus, and nearby is a bar.
John Lipscomb lives next door to American Power.
“I thought it was just like, a landscaping business,” Lipscomb said of American Power.
But behind American Power’s building, the electrical contractor has been stacking what the state of California and Sacramento County consider to be hazardous materials: Light bulbs, including old street and gymnasium lights.
There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of the bulbs just sitting outside in the open.
"They’re not supposed to be sitting out there," a former American Power employee told KCRA 3. "They’re not supposed to be stacking up."
The employee spoke on condition of anonymity.
He said he has been an electrician for 18 years and was hired by American Power to install new lights in buildings to make them more energy efficient.