Friday, March 22, 2013

Green Energy in Romania

Green Energy in Romania
Wind power - General aspects

Renewables are our scale of time wasted continuous nature. They have the sunshine origin, the core gravitational interactions Earth and the Moon and the Sun with the oceans.
There renewable wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass coming from.
Wind energy is also called wind energy. This name comes from mythology, from Eol, being wind god. Wind energy has been used by humans for a long time. From ancient times boats and ships traveled from wind. Later people built windmills with which grinds grain for food. Now, after many years, people have built some special devices that capture wind energy and convert it into electricity.

Earth wind energy potential

Source wind available is evaluated on a global scale to 57,000 TWh per year. The contribution of offshore wind energy (offshore) is estimated at 25,000 to 30,000 TWh per year and is limited to locations not exceeding 50 m depth global production electricity in 2000 was 15,000 TWh (which corresponds to a primary energy consumption of 40,000 TWh), resulting in a yield of thermo-mechanical cycles of 30-40%. Theoretically, home wind energy can meet the electricity needs plan world. At the same time, the main drawback of this source of energy is the wind instability. In periods of frost, as in hot weather, where the energy demand is fierce, the wind effect is practically nonexistent, which has resulted in the development of wind turbines, the attachment of other renewable energy systems characterized by a better balance in operation, or electrical energy storage systems. But must be taken in calculationsI, for electrical energy storage systems for large-capacity high cost price of these systems, which are now in development.
Europe has only about 10% of the available wind potential in the world but has about three quarters of the installed power in 2002. It has produced 50 TWh wind power home in 2002, world production of 70 TWh.
Technical wind potential available in Europe for over 5,000 TWh per year.
What will global consumption d's energy future? We can be sure that electricity consumption will increase worldwide. International Energy Agency foresees an increase to nearly 5.8 million megawatts until 2020 from 3.3 million in 2000. However, reserves mondessential fossil fuels - the main source for electricity generation - will run starting in 2020 until 2060, according to the best estimates of the oil industry. How will we replace electricity demand?
The best answer would be green energy, renewable.
It is one of the oldest sources of clean energy. She began to be widely used only in 70-80 years, when the U.S. has adopted several programs designed to encourage her recovery. In California, the end of 1984, already 8469 wind turbine operation. The total capacity of these units is approximately 550 MW. They are built in windy places, grouped in so-called wind farms. Wind turbines can be used to electricity production individually or in groups called wind farms. Wind farms, which are now fully automated, providing, for example, 1% of California's electricity, that is needed for 280 000 homes.
Approximately 80% of wind energy Now the world is produced in California, but wind power is about spreading in the American Midwest in Europe - particularly in Belgium and the Netherlands - but also in other regions. Annual turnover for wind applications in the EU was in 2003 of 6.9 billion euros, as specified in the international conference "Clean Energy - funding and support in Central and Eastern Europe" held in the Hungarian capital. In terms of installed capacity growth, strengthens Europe position in the wind energy market in Europe grew at 39 percent per year from 1998 to 2003. Energy thus produced is equivalent to that obtained by burning 20 million tons of coal in a conventional power generation. In the Czech Republic, for example, the share of wind energy increased from 3.8% in 2000 to 8% in 2010 from 0.2% in Estonia and 5.1% in Hungary from 0.7% to 3 , 6% in Poland from 1.6% to 7.5%. However, according to the International Energy Agency, in Romania there are "delays in developing and implementing programs on the use of wind energy." European documents out but show a good adaptation of Romania to the EU requirements regarding renewable electricity by hydro power plants.
The article "Evaluation of Global Wind Power" by Cristina L. Archer and Mark Z. Jacobson (Stanford University) is the result of a study funded by NASA and completed recently. Wind resource map was made by tracking the 8000 measurement points around the world, including Romania. 13% of points on the Earth's wind map are included in Class 3 (winds of 6.9-7.5 m / s) and only a few were placed in larger classes. Romania lies in the resources of up to 5.9 m / s, like most other areas, but with a potentially important enough to support a policy to promote wind systems.

EU policy on renewable energy resources

The main aim of the European Commission's energy policy is to develop regeneration energy, especially electricity produced from wind, water, solar and biomass. European Commission justifies this by stating a few reasons, namely:
The resulting energy plays an important role in reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) - a major objective of the European Commission;
Development of energy exchange increases support industry.
Also help improve energy security by reducing dependence exchange energy sources Community import.
Renewal energy sources are expected to be more economical compared to competitive energy sources, estimating within medium to long term.
Community needs to help replace energy sources is obvious. Some technologies, especially wind energy, And hydropower on a smaller scale, energygia biomass şand applications solartermale are viable and economically competitive.
Other, especially photovoltaic energy (Consisting of silicon panels that generate electricity based on solar) depend only on the volume produced and the cererea economy.
The most important features of the action plan can be considered aspects such as measuring the internal market within fiscal Community renewal policies have changed in the production and distribution of energy renewable proposals to strengthen cooperation between Member States.
An important chapter of the Action Plan is to reduce renewable campaign.
Types renewable resources
Wind energy
The heating and solar cooling
Of all renewable energy I stopped the wind.

Wind energy - from air currents to electricity

Wind farms operate on the principle aerodynamic force. Wind hits the propeller blades creates a strong pressure, positive and negative above the blade underneath it. This pressure difference generates a rising force that modern wind plants use to produce motion, and therefore electricity.
Winds force index 3, which normally fight in the North Sea, the southern tip of South America, the Australian island of Tasmania and northern U.S. Great Lakes region and in other regions are particularly suitable for wind turbines. There remains only man to exploit the power of these drafts. Measurements made in 8000 American researchers showed locations that we could meet world energy needs using only wind power - provided you use it more efficiently.
In February 2005, the world's largest wind farm became operational in Brunsbüttel, Germany. Giant "REpower 5M" high of 183 meters, has a rotor diameter of 126 meters, which sweeps each rotation area twice larger than a football field. Panel can generate up to 5 megawatts of electricity, which is enough to supply about 4,500 homes - an achievement unparalleled in worldwide.
However, regions that can build large wind turbines are relatively few. As a result, there is great hope now to build offshore wind farms. Worldwide, several plants were created offshore wind, for example in Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Germany and England.
That offshore energy obtained is about 50% higher due to, among other things, that the surface in contact with water, the wind is almost zero friction. From a technical standpoint, however, offshore wind farms are considerably more expensive than on land, because they have to withstand strong waves, storms and ice. Therefore, costs are 60% higher than for the same sized wind farms on land. In addition, offshore wind turbines produce low frequency sound waves, which can remove the fish, birds and marine mammals.
The idea of ​​flying wind seems descended from science fiction. They would have two rotors and would produce power at the height of 5,000 meters, where strong winds and regular.
Flying wind power is supported by a cable that would transmit electricity on earth.
It lifted into the air like a kite and would remain stable once would be up in the air. However, still not sure if this kind of airborne wind farm will be built again.
Remain so in the most cost-effective idea, that of using onshore wind, but in regions bordering the Black Sea

Wind energy potential in Romania
Need use alternative resources in Romania

The oil crisis of the 70s warned the industrialized states, security of supply became a vital issue for them. Expensive programs were initiated for construction of cEntre nuclear and large subsidies were allocated for alternative energy.
Planned interventions of those States have not shown but the results so that only ten years later, responsibility for investment in the energy sector began to be shifted to the private sector. Enthusiasm identify new sources of energy then decreased significantly, extremely high investment costs, but also because they were identified new oil fields.
After 50 years of the first major oil crisis, the world finds again that is vulnerable to energy security. Oil was coming to an end, considers specialists, but the renewable energy is still far from their be present, given that the EU is increasingly dependent on imported energy. Meanwhile, a new challenge emerged to the world: pollution. Under pressure from commitments made in the Kyoto Protocol, the debate on "green energy" took a special scale. European Directive 2001/77 states that "the promotion of electricity from renewable resources, energy single market, aims to increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES). Directive makes a number of incentives and facilities for those investing in RES. Strategies are followed by deeds only now, when oil announcing a new global energy crisis possible.
After the European model, the will, the needed, and Romania has drafted a strategy on "green energy".

Considerations on wind energy in Romania

Wind energy in Romania, they identified five areas of wind, depending on environmental and land and geographical conditions, taking into account the energy potential resource of its kind at an average height of 50 meters and above. From the results of measurements made that Romania is part of a temperate continental climate with high energy potential, especially in littoral and coastal area (mild climate) and alpine areas with plateaus and mountain peaks (severe climate). Based on the evaluation and interpretation of data recorded that, in Romania, the wind energy potential is most favorable on the Black Sea coast, in the mountains and plateaus of Moldova and Dobrogea. Also favorable sites were identified in regions with relatively good wind potential, if they are to exploitation of the effect of flow over hilltops, the effect of air currents sewage etc. Preliminary assessment on the Black Sea coast, including the offshore wind potential harnessed shows that short and medium term is high, the possibilities of obtaining a quantity of energy thousands of GWh / year. Although wind energy world is in an advanced stage of technological maturity, we can say that in Romania the share of wind energy in the energy balance in the short term, is below the real possibilities of economic recovery.
I propose the foundation upon which I start, pay special attention to promoting Its green energyin Romania - energy source of the fastest growing world - a clean technology, modern and efficient in the future.
In the Project "GREEN ENERGY IN ROMANIA", Company that wish to establish dumnevoastră supported plans to develop the largest Wind energy projectsWith sCopulation to produce electricity. We identified areas with adequate land, located in a region with high wind potential in south eastern Romania.
This Wind energy projects will consist initially of a number of 1000 MW wind turbines (Incluzand full service on-site installation), with potential for development in the future, a WIND POWER INDUSTRIAL PARK.
 I  identified for this project, taking account internal and external electricity market, the following arguments :
Worldwide interest to develop methods aimed at producing energyOther than conventional, using renewable energy (Caused by increased interestdramatic growth in oil prices following the oil crises of many of the world in recent decades);
Many benefits wind energy: significant reduction of pollution (atmosphere produces no emissions that cause acid raine or greenhouse - talk about a clean source of energy) fuel, produces no radioactive waste, there are many areas with high wind potential, renewable energy technologies one of the lowest cost currently available, Etc.
A great technical potential wind energy development in Romania - The country with the highest wind potential in the region, yet untapped, with a wide range of existing applications;
Promotion electricity produced from renewable energy sources domestic and foreign power - a long-term target Romanian government.
Given the objectives listed below, ask your support for this project, which will increase the percentage of Absorption of EU funds, will lead to job creation, economic development zone, agricultural facilities and reducing electricity bill any inhabitant of the country.
Through the project they want to grow, we hope to achieve the following OBJECTIVES:
To promote the benefits of wind energy solutions and to integrate in the national energy;
  To create aInvestment Portun BCnwithin a wind energy projects in order to develop wind energy resource exploitation, yet exploited to implement their development prospect in the national energy and consequently create new jobs (3,000 jobs total)
  Harnessing electricity from renewable energy sources PrudRabil (wind);
The project, by its magnitude, will bring European capital for developing SC Transelectrica SA
The project will provide electricity at a lower price than in the market in the present moment,
The project will ensure the development of Romanian agriculture, by supplying electricity at preferential prices to all farmers interested
As a result of project implementation will be developed adjacent areas, which I expected to be at least two villages in Dobrogea
  Seeking and developing an amusement park to complete the tourist circuit. Amusement park will serve both employees and tourists who want to visit the wind farm.
  Marketing services for wind turbines, Sales and After sales support for companies interested in using "green energy" for their own needs.

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