Monday, January 27, 2014

Google blow "competition" badly, or the competition is too "slim"

An article published in DailyFinance, called "Google Is Quite Simply Blowing Its Competition Away" notify us:
"Google announced Wednesday that it is going greener than ever with a new deal to purchase all electricity generated from four Swedish wind farms for the next decade "
The question is "Is there competition for Google, or other serious investors"?
We see daily announcements of ecological projects on green energy production, about financial projects, about securing funding, but also about the energy market, the result is that although increases production of green energy, energy prices, does not drop 
At first glance, of this phenomenon, we wonder, if not all of these are fake, or those investors are only sales agents for banks? 
Governments in many countries, announces subsidy to green energy green energy production subsidy, and also more taxes for it, 
Their effect is seen only in data banks announce the benefits, but I have not seen other investment to portfolio of the banks, I have not seen the benefits of subsidies paid by the population, did not see the benefit, given government subsidies, 
These would be issues that those who pursue investments in green energy, you should see,
Google invests directly, no credit, no loans for thiscongratulations 
We must pray that other big company to do so, or to ask to check investments, if they are free of debt, invest or fake?
So far we see that Google Finance is good, and we, come to join and Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, which are acknowledged as the company views the future 
It may be the beginning, of energy era, and the end of the global financial crisis through simple measures the classic, but that would not allow cover deficits old fast .
I wonder how much longer are we forced to pay for the mistakes of others, without we are allowed to increase our benefits?
So far we see that Google Finance is good, and we, come to join and Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, which are acknowledged as the company views the future 
It may be the beginning, of energy era, and the end of the global financial crisis through simple measures the classic, but that would not allow cover deficits old 
I wonder how much longer are we forced to pay for the mistakes of others, without we are allowed to increase our new benefits? 

When will be taxed at the maximum benefits of from. environmental pollution, especially when it will be taxed at a maximum of banking intermediaries worthless? 

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