Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rosemary Ainslie Planning Public Demo of her Free Energy Circuit June 1

An inventor from Cape Town, South Africa, has a solid state circuit that powers a few tens of watts while pulling much less than that from a battery, which she will be demonstrating on June 1. The circuit is based on a principle she has been developing openly for 13 years, which she says is nothing new but merely a rehashing of already-developed principles of science.
For years now, Rosemary Ainsliehas been promoting an alternative model to how electromagnetic phenomenon works. It's a solid state switching circuit that hasn't been named yet. (Below is a correction/clarification from her on this. We'll keep it simple here, for now.)
She says that she has prototype evidence to support her model, which shows her circuit drawing far less energy from a battery than a control draws from a similar battery, both systems powering the same load. Then, after recharging both batteries, she switches the control and her circuit to repeat the effect.
She wants to see this technology validated, developed and propagated. She is tired of being ignored, marginalized, and rejected, for something she is sure can make a big difference in the energy landscape.
She is begging for validation. She is fully confident that it works, and she wants science and industry to take her seriously.
I suggested that she run a live, webcam demonstration with qualified witnesses on hand to vindicate the technology. She is more than happy to do that; and selected June 1 in Cape Town, S. Africa, as the target date and location for the demonstration.
However, she has one firm stipulation. She requires that there be at least one "expert" in attendance whose witness will be taken seriously by scientists, or she will not do the event. This can be someone either from academia or from industry who is considered a professional electrical engineer.
She has one expert presently lined up, but would prefer at least two, for both redundancy as well as additional credibility.
She publishes her schematic openly, inviting replication and implementation. She wants it copied and spread all over the world.
She doesn't care if she doesn't get a cent for it.
I was in touch recently with Yaaqov Avisar who lives in Cape Town, and he was glad to stop in and visit Rosemary.
He was very impressed with her, and felt that she was a genuine person.
He said his first impression was that she is a credible, well-off woman, who lives in an affluent area, in a nice house. "She has done a few things with her life. She has been a successful woman, able to retire at 50 in a nice way."
She doesn't have any background in physics, but comes from a commercial real estate background.
She thinks the reason she was able to come to these theories is because she doesn't have the limitations on thinking that a traditional background in the sciences would give her.
Yaaqov suggested to Rosemary that her planned 17 hour demonstration is too long, and that she should try and reduce it to 5 hours at most, if possible. She said she would try to do that, and she has been making some good progress in that direction.
She has filming equipment, but doesn't know how to use it. She is looking for someone who could do the documenting of the event, both the filming as well as someone to run a web cam.
Yaaqov said that Rosemary invested a lot of money in way the prototype is constructed. She has an oscilloscope, a way to measure heat. "She's got everything."
"She doesn't want any money or fame; she just wants people to have it."
"She's the first one I've met like this."
"She's been working on this for 13 years."
She said, "What would be my best reward ever would be to have a 3-D presentation made to help people understand the process and make it more believable for someone who has no clue about electricity."
"She gave me more motivation to go again and watch her videos and understand them."
"One of Rosemary's weak points is that she has a hard time thinking of applications of this technology. She's not the person who can take this to the next level. She doesn't want to. She would just like to have this theoretical conversation with people; that's it."
She's willing to share everything, explain, teach.
Rosemary Ainslie

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