By Lee Peace
Isle residents are being offered a free advice on how to save money on their energy bills.
North Lincolnshire Council has teamed up with Changes Agents UK to offer people the chance to sign up for a free energy audit.
A trained energy adviser will make a visit and offer advice on how to cut down on energy use.
It is hoped that the project will help residents save more than ten per cent on their energy bills by offering advice and guidance on insulation, heating systems and simple measures that people can take in their homes.
Residents wanting to take advantage of this free offer should ring 01724 297000 and request an energy audit.
The project is funded through the UK Governments Warm Homes Healthy People Fund.
Councillor John Briggs, cabinet member for asset management, culture and housing at North Lincolnshire Council, said: “The energy audit will help many people identify simple measures they can take in their homes to save energy. The officer visiting your home to carry out the energy audit will carry a North Lincolnshire council ID badge, so please ask to see.
“Every bit helps and if we can help you save money on your bills and help the environment at the same time, that’s got to be a good thing.”
Isle residents are being offered a free advice on how to save money on their energy bills.
North Lincolnshire Council has teamed up with Changes Agents UK to offer people the chance to sign up for a free energy audit.
A trained energy adviser will make a visit and offer advice on how to cut down on energy use.
It is hoped that the project will help residents save more than ten per cent on their energy bills by offering advice and guidance on insulation, heating systems and simple measures that people can take in their homes.
Residents wanting to take advantage of this free offer should ring 01724 297000 and request an energy audit.
The project is funded through the UK Governments Warm Homes Healthy People Fund.
Councillor John Briggs, cabinet member for asset management, culture and housing at North Lincolnshire Council, said: “The energy audit will help many people identify simple measures they can take in their homes to save energy. The officer visiting your home to carry out the energy audit will carry a North Lincolnshire council ID badge, so please ask to see.
“Every bit helps and if we can help you save money on your bills and help the environment at the same time, that’s got to be a good thing.”
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