Sunday, April 21, 2013

5 Reasons Why Green Energy is More Practical than it is Environmental

Written by Natasha Risinger. 
Green energy is definitely trendy in our time, mostly because of the positive impact many believe it has on the environment. Though if we’re honest with ourselves, there are other motivations involved with implementing greensolutions in our lives, not the least of which is the money that it can save us.
Though the market for alternative energy is still relatively small, those who implement them usually do so because of the impact it can have on their energy bills rather than the impact it has on the environment. Even for those who are more environmentally conscious, the belief that they’re helping improve the cleanliness of the air will typically take a second place seat to a reduced electric bill.
The reason for this is simple: The practicality of green energy is far more palatable and measurable than theenvironmental impact of green energy. It’s my belief that if sustainable solutions were marketed as practical, money-savings options and not moral, green-peace obligations, the market for them would grow tremendously.
To prove my point, let’s take a look at a handful of reasons why green energy is straight-up practical, regardless of its positive environmental impact.
1. Efficiency – Take for example the compact florescent light bulbs: They’re far more efficient, both in terms of price, life span and energy use. Yet they were marketed as a moral obligation, almost in the form of a political campaign. People will buy them due to the fact that they’re simply a better product, and the politicizing of the issue only served to make the bulbs less appealing.
2. Lower Electric Bills – Whether you’re talking about a tankless water heater or solar panels, sustainable energy solutions for your home save you a lot of money on your electric bill and with time will pay for themselves. A product like this doesn’t need a political campaign behind it to get it moving. If it’s marketed as apractical solution, people will implement them in their home just to lower their monthly electricity costs.
3. Tax Credits – As of right now there are still a tremendous amount of tax credits available for people who buy hybrid vehicles or install green energy solutions in their home like the ones mentioned above. All this comes as extra incentive to the savings that these products create on their own.
4. Forward Thinking Ideas – Running your home off of alternative energy is a concept that has the reputation of being a forward thinking idea, which appeals to the consumer, regardless of their political leanings. While fossil fuels and coal are still heavily used and practical, they aren’t thought of as new and innovative ideas. Green energy is understood to be the energy solution of the future, and will hold a certain level of mystique and interest, which will help market corresponding products all by itself.
5. Cleanliness – The fact that green energy is cleaner makes it a more practical and viable solution, above and beyond what it means to any political movement. People don’t need to feel obligated to be “clean”; they just want to because it’s practical. Most people will opt for this option on their own, and if they don’t, they probably haven’t been sold the clean energy pitch outside of a political discussion.
Green energy is workable and practical for the lives of just about every American, and it would be far more marketable if we were to de-politicize the issue altogether.
Alternative energy should be advertised as something that can save you money and improve your quality of life. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters to the consumer. If it’s good for the environment, great, but we should recognize that whether you agree with it or not, that issue isn’t high on the priority list of most Americans; saving money is.
Natasha Risinger has worked as an environmental scientist. She now blogs for a variety of websites ranging from eco to business. For energy rates

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